'The only fingerprint is that of my middle finger' - Lectrr
Stop the fingerprintFingerprints of every (innocent) Belgian do not belong on the identity card.Read more Make a donation -
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For the first time in many years, a great part of the Belgian population is calling to halt this government. Join in.
Slippery slope
We may have a democratic government in 2018, yet politicians don’t have a crystal ball. The recording of fingerprints creates a slippery slope. It is simply a matter of time before a national database comes into being. And what if, in the future, we will have our own Orban , Trump or Putin? How much power a government need to accumulate before it know everything, hears everything, and sees everything?
A breach is possible, but has to be proportionate
For a few hundred cases of ‘identity fraud’ (a very broad term, where for example can include theft or loss of identity card, without necessarily the objective to abuse it), more than 11 million Belgians have to hand over their fingerprints to this government. A breach of privacy is possible, but it must be proportionate at all times. We believe this is not the case.
Negative opinion Data Protection Authority
The Data Protection Authority wrote a devastating report on the inclusion of fingerprint on the eID. The Minister and his Cabinet have completely ignored these recommendations and called the objections ‘irrelevant’. The head of the Data Protection Authority, Willem Debeuckelaere, commented: “This is careless lawmaking. This bill also infringes on the GDPR”.
Your eid already contains biometric data
The eID already contains biometric data: your photo. Moreover, it also contains a hologram, and one can choose to encrypt the cards better, so that eID are more difficult to forge. Imposing fingerprints is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. eID’s may become more difficult to imitate, but at which individual cost?